The space then becomes a display space ( what is displayed) and a compute space ( application of the rules). 此空间然后会成为一个显示空间(被显示的东西)和一个计算空间(规则的应用)。
There are other commands that can be used to uncompress tables, control locking while compressing, and to display space savings. 还可以使用其他命令解压表、控制压缩期间的锁和显示节省的空间量。
We can arrange some on-site vendor or display space and hand out some free product samples, it's a good way to increase the chances of getting people to buy our product. 我们可以安排一些现场的卖场或展示场分发一些免费的样品,这可以增加机会让人们购买我们的产品。
As long as you have ability and talent, we gave you the stage and display space. 只要您有才华和能力,我们就给你施展的舞台和空间。
In computer graphics, a predetermined pattern of lines, that provides uniform coverage of a display space. 在计算机图形学中,提供显示空间均匀覆盖面的预定扫描线图案。
The Application Research of Visual Language in Museum Display Space 视觉语言在博物馆展示空间中的应用研究
More merchandise display space, less waiting time, even more dazzling technique, 3D product display wall, to bring you a new shopping experience. 更大的商品展示空间、更少的等待时间、更炫的3D商品墙展示手法,给您带来全新的购物体验。
In computer graphics, the display at some point on the display space of the display elements whose coordinates lie outside of the display space. 在计算机图形学中,将坐标超出显示空间的显示元素显示在显示空间的某个位置上。
Every week, our school carries out special courses named "share growth" as the theme to provide real education scene and display space for the growth of each student. 每周坚持开展的“分享成长”课程,为每位学生的成长提供真实的教育现场与展示空间;
In computer graphics, indicating in a display space the location at which a specified display group is to be place. 在计算机制图技术中,在显示空间上指定一个位置,用于显示一组图或正文(的方法或过程)。
In this paper, the design for the display space to do some of the issues involved related to the study. 本文就针对展示空间设计所涉及的一些问题做相关的探讨。
Under the new historical period, the right of occupancy has the very big display space. 在新的历史时期下,居住权有着很大的发挥空间。
The three basic elements of information visualization are spatialization, display space and user interactivity. 信息可视化的三要素是:空间化、显示空间、用户交互机制。
This system having four scales can automatically display space motion trajectory for ships by setting route plan in database. 该系统可实现船舶运动轨迹的空间图形显示,具有四种放大和缩小比例尺。能够通过数据库中设计的航线自动给出船舶运动轨迹。
The article starts from design of display space. 本文从展示空间的设计入手,提出了必须创立以人为中心的展示空间&人为空间。
With the development of society and economy, the exhibition hall's display space design have already become one of the main part of modern exhibition design. It is the key to reflecting the level of the museum, and also plays an important role in exhibition design. 随着社会和经济的发展,博览建筑展示空间设计逐渐成为了现代展示设计这门新学科的主要领域之一,是体现博览建筑水平的关键,在博览建筑设计中起着重要的作用。
Display Space and Light Environment of Museum 博物馆的展示空间及光环境
Thus and formed his unique theory of space and person, put forward the participation in regional museum display space design, interior design and the trend. 由此并形成了独特的空间理论及人的参与性结论,提出了地域性设计在博物馆展示空间、室内设计中的走向与趋势。
According to the steps of display space designing, the method has been analyzed deeply from five aspects, such as theme determination and pre-plan, story framework and exhibition layout, dramatic plot and space form, role shaping and displaying, experience composition and media technology. 按照展示空间的设计步骤,从主题确定与前期策划,故事框架与展厅布局,戏剧情节与空间形态,角色塑造与展示陈列,体验复合与媒体技术,五个方面进行了深入的分析。
Finally, the case analysis to convey the interpretation of color in the display space in the symbol. 最后以案例分析来诠释传达于商业展示空间中的色彩符号。
The museum display space for the understanding of performance and the creation of a three-dimensional and the texture of time and experience in order to achieve efficient communication of, and create forms, creative thinking of the United States, and the exhibition as a marketing tool. 而博物馆展示涉及对于空间的理解、表现与创造,作为对物的三维和质感和时间的体验,以求达到物的高效传达,创造形式、创意思想的美,并且作为展览营销的工具。
In essence, it redistributes multi-stream scene data in vertex buffer and index buffer according to fixed tiled display space partition. 它本质上是根据多屏拼接显示墙屏幕空间的固定划分,将表示顶点缓冲器和索引缓冲器绘制接口的多流模式场景数据进行重新分布。
On the one hand, the thesis analyzed the essence of the display space in the point of communication and summarized its constituent elements, as exhibits, audience and place. 一方面,从传播学的角度分析了展示空间的本质,并归纳了它的构成要素即:展品、观众、场所。
Thus expression is how to guide design planning design, display space former operation to realize the internal environment design more scientific and integrity. 从而表达设计策划是如何指导设计操作,实现故居陈列空间内部环境设计的科学性和整体性。
Chapter IV highlights the basic principles of architectural design of Bionic Museum and the space design of museum bionic, and focus on the classification and design of the display space. 第四章着重介绍了仿生博物馆建筑设计的基本原则和仿生博物馆的空间设计。在空间设计中着重介绍了仿生博物馆陈列空间的分类和设计。
Traditional sociological research about the role-playing is carried out in reality, accompanied by the rise of Internet role-playing also has a new display space, especially in the online games virtual space. 传统社会学对角色扮演的研究是在现实社会中进行的,伴随着互联网的兴起,角色扮演行为也有了新的施展空间,尤其是在网络游戏这一虚拟空间中。
But on the interior space light and shadow studies, most are just making empty talk, not targeted for specific target space, the research on furniture display space are less, not yet forms the system. 但就室内空间光影研究来说,大多数也只是泛泛而谈,没有专门针对具体的对象空间进行研究,家具展示空间领域的光影研究较少,尚未形成系统。
Display space design, is a site and space planning art, it involved the rich content and extensive knowledge domain, and as the changes of The Times and development are constantly updated extend its connotation subject. 展示空间设计,是一门场地和空间的规划艺术,它涉及了丰富的内容和广泛的知识领域,并且随着时代的变迁和发展在不断更新扩充其内涵的学科。
Through the restrictions on display space and local design interior design system research and further thinking, and on-the-spot investigation and theoretical reference to the museum display space actual work can play a certain role in guiding the. 通过对地域性设计在展示空间与室内设计学系统的研究和深入的思考,以及实地考察和理论的引用,期待对博物馆的展示空间的实际工作能起到一定的指导作用。
Light& shadow adds indispensable exquisite details to exhibition design, which makes the display space no longer a simple accumulation and blank, but a stage with story plot and visual performance. 光影同时也为展示设计增添了不可或缺的精致细节,使展示空间不再是简单的堆积与留白,而是一个有故事有情节的视觉表现舞台。